Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas 2008
Welcome to our blog! Between our busy lives and keeping up with our 15 grandkids, we don't write very many updates (as is obvious by our once-a-year posts!) However, our kids are much better at writing! Click on their blog links on the side to catch up on their lives!
Posted by RL Lacey Family at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Linda graduates from U of M
It has been a year and a half since I posted my first blog. At the time, the pictures I entered didn't come up on my page, so I gave up and never visited my blog site again. This morning I was going to have Shannon help me with it before she goes back to Provo. When I pulled up my blog page, the pictures I entered in December 2006 were magically there! So, perhaps I will try again.
Linda graduated with honors from The University of Montana! Rick and I with Shannon, my sister-in-law Claudia, my brother Don, Paul, and and our grandson Jacob.
Now I'm using my new degree to educate the young minds of Drummond...K-12 music!
Posted by RL Lacey Family at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Our Trip to Anchorage
As soon as school was out in May, we hopped on a flight to Anchorage to see our new baby girl, Jenna Gardiner. Kristy and Brett were gracious hosts for two weeks while we got re-acquainted with Dallin (4), Jared (2), and Jenna (born April 20, 2006.) What a fun time we had. Grandma made quilts, curtains, and a crib ruffle for Jenna's room. Grandpa had fun being a part of Dallin's creative world of dinosaurs. He also played ball with Jared. Both of us enjoyed watching Kristy play house with her new little girl. With three baby showers, Jenna had enough clothes (with bracelets and hair bows to match) to change clothes two or three times a day!
It looks like the Gardiners will be staying in Anchorage. Brett has a successful dental practice in Anchorage. He is also Young Men's President in their ward. Kristy teaches the high school kids in Sunday School and also plays the piano for the ward choir. I'm sure Anchorage could not survive without them, although I'm not certain that we can either. It gives us an excuse to go up and do some more fishing. We certainly enjoyed our visit with this fun family.
Posted by RL Lacey Family at 1:39 PM 0 comments
My first run of pics
Posted by RL Lacey Family at 1:32 PM 0 comments
When my first niece was born, my brother and his wife gave my mom a compact picture album, perfect for carrying in her purse. On the front of the padded white book, in gilded letters, were the initials, SOGWPIP (which stood for "Silly Old Grandma With Pictures in Purse.) Well, technology has certainly changed, but grandmas have not. So, this proud grandma is modifying the brag-book to read "Silly Old Grandma With Pictures on Blog. I hope you will enjoy my first attempts at blogging. I just thought you might enjoy getting acquainted with our children and adorable grand-children.--Linda
Posted by RL Lacey Family at 7:01 AM 0 comments